Welcome to White Rabbit Yoga Studio! The studio is run by me, Lisa Tendler. I offer classes for all skill levels in Yin Yoga, Ashtanga and Slow Flow Yoga. Classes are listed below.
If you are interested in attending class please contact me at:
Phone: 704-340-4863
Email: lmtendler@gmail.com
The Studio is located at:
907 Barra Row, Davidson NC, 28036
Current Classes:
Tuesday- 9:30AM-11:00AM Yin Yoga All levels
Thursday-9:30AM- 11:00AM- Yin Yoga All levels Monday-4:00-5:30 PM -Slow Flow
Wednesday- 4:00-5:30PM- Ashtanga Influenced Yoga practice for practicing yogis
Privates: $120 for 1 hour - 1.5 hours (available in studio or via Zoom)
Groups Under 4:
$120 (available in studio or via Zoom)
After 4:
$10 for each additional person Studio classes $10-$25 donation
All studio classes may be attended via zoom or in the studio. Please call, text or email if you are new to the studio. 704 340-4863 donate through venmo or paypal. Info below.

Video Classes
In all yoga we practice the tools to watch the mind and begin to let go of negative and unbeneficial thought patterns. We begin to use the mind in more positive and beneficial ways. It's the practice that is happening in the moment over time. Practice with your own insights and self inquiry. Use these practices and make them yours, in any way you see fit.
Before you practice, create your space. Find somewhere to practice that is quiet, with little distraction. Feel free to use any music, candles, incense that you like to use, anything that helps relax the nervous system. It may be helpful to meditate,set an intention or do breathing practices before you start. Always finish with 5 - 7 minutes of final relaxation and if you have time, a little meditation - sitting and breathing.
Suggested Donation: $10 - $20
You can make a donation through Venmo @Lisa-Tendler-1 or through
PayPal at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/LisaTendler?locale.x=en_US
Pay less if you need to and more if you want. Please donate each time you view a new video.
These videos are available on YouTube as well on the channel "Lisa Tendler Yoga"

About Me
I always loved being alone and when my Dad left Richard Hittleman’s 28 Day Yoga Plan under the Christmas tree I took off with it and began my yoga journey. I practiced alone with no outside distractions and nobody telling me how it should be done. What a gift to start this way. Self inquiry it was! I was 16 and my mind was open.
Soon after that I found a free yoga class at Davidson College taught by Herb Jackson an art professor there. This was my first experience with an instructor in a class setting. We did it on beach towels in jeans or sweat pants! It was a good experience. Not a lot of gimmicks…just yoga.
A few years later I got into dance and went to the North Carolina School of the Arts. I stayed there 4 years studying all forms of dance, anatomy, kinesiology and choreography. After graduating I got work with Footpath Dance Company in Cleveland and then moved on to Toronto Dance Theater in Ontario, eventually landing in NYC. In between dance classes I would run over to take Ravi Singh’s Kundalini class. He is an incredible teacher. It was my first powerful experience of the breath. We would be breathing like crazy about to pass out and he would say “keep up”. Soon after I found Sivinanda Yoga Center and studied there for a while. Then studied awhile with Dharma Mitra in his home studio. Also I did a wonderful intuition retreat with him. Lots of silent walking in the woods. We would walk and all of a sudden he would put his hand on a stump and go in an asymmetrical one armed handstand.
I was then working at The Athletic and Swim Club by Rockefeller Center teaching aerobics, calisthenics, water classes, and later on yoga. I also ran the class fitness department scheduling the classes and hiring the instructors. All the while my hip was not withstanding the wear and tear of all the dancing and teaching so I knew I needed to make a commitment to a more serious yoga practice.

Then I found Jivamukti. They were posted at a studio where I was dancing. It was small then, just a few teachers. I took class there constantly, often two classes in a row. I quit dancing and I was there so much they asked me to teach. Really, I never wanted to but Sharon Gannon pushed me. She saw in me what I couldn’t. She showed me unconditional love and I have such a special place in my heart for her. David Life also was a great influence in my life and in my heart. He taught me how to fly in my dreams…no kidding.
Eddie Stern also was teaching at Jivamukti then. He went to India and came back only to be completely devoted to the Ashtanga Practice . It soon too became my practice. Eddie used to tell me to “shut up and breathe”! He taught me how to own my practice to own my life. “Yoga isn’t pretty” he would say. You have to be willing to take a good look….He used to say “stop fluffing around” when we would drop out of the breath to fix our hair or clothes….amazing teachings…. Eddie encouraged me to go to India to study with Pattabi Jois so that’s what we did. Six weeks in India was where we spent our honeymoon.
My Iyengar influence came from Kevin Gardener. He is a very passionate teacher…he radiates it. I felt euphoric when I left his classes. I had to be careful crossing the streets in Manhattan after I took class! Other teachers that I have been lucky to study with are Leslie Kaminoff, Adrienne Jamiel, MD -Yoga for the Female Form, Michael Carroll, Doug Keller -therapeutics, Sarah Powers-yin, Joe Barnett-yin. Recently I completed my reike level 1 and level 2 training and look forward to sharing that in the near future. I also look forward to offering a donation based dharma talk and yoga practice for anyone dealing with any kind of addiction, whether it's for yourself or someone in your world.
I feel so grateful to have a practice that has carried me through so many ups and downs of life. The simplicity to inhale and exhale and be present for all that is now and for all that is coming. Now more than ever with all sincerity I want to share what I’ve learned and what I am learning.